Instructions for accessing CSO Power Tools Online (Updated January 13, 1993) CSO Power Tools Online is available to worldwide HP internal users by connecting to the CSO Internet Server through HP Internet. The Online system offers the advantage of instantaneous updates (the CD-ROM is only updated monthly). ________________________________________________________________________ BASICS ------ IP address: System name: hpcuppb Share name: field Password: (none) ________________________________________________________________________ ACCESSING POWER TOOLS ONLINE THROUGH INFONET -------------------------------------------- Most PC users who are connected to the HP Internet also have the "InfoNet" set of utilities available to them. InfoNet is part of the HP PC-COE (Common Operating Environment). The easiest and fastest way to access Power Tools Online is through InfoNet. Power Tools Online is available through an InfoNet application called "Remote Services." Once InfoNet is installed on your PC, start Remote Services by typing "RS" at your DOS prompt, or by clicking on the Remote Services icon in MS Windows. Scroll the menu until you see "Power Tools Online," then press the key. Or, keyword search on "Power Tools" to get to the correct Remote Services entry. If you do not currently have InfoNet installed in your networked PC, check with your local IT department. If for some reason you are unable to access InfoNet's Remote Services, follow the instructions below for connecting directly to the Power Tools Server in Cupertino, California. ________________________________________________________________________ SETTING UP DIRECT PC ACCESS TO POWER TOOLS ------------------------------------------ These instructions assume you are going to access the CSO Power Tools Online Internet server from a PC that is connected to the HP Internet using LM/X (LanManager client software). If you are not familiar with networks, have your local networking expert help you with these instructions. To TEMPORARILY add this system name to your configuration: 1. Using "ADDNAME," type the following command from the MS-DOS prompt on your PC (the example assumes you are at your "C:>" prompt): C:>addname hpcuppb 2. The system should respond with the message: "Added name HPCUPPB successfully." To PERMANENTLY add this system name to your configuration: 1. Using "INETNAME," add the following information into the appropriate fields: SERVER/COMPUTER NAME: HPCUPPB IP ADDRESS: 015 009 091 178 TYPE OF SERVER: LM Server 2. Remember to reboot your system to permanently add this configuration. WORKSTATION ACCESS ------------------ Currently, there is no user interface designed specifically to access the Power Tools data files through a UNIX Workstation. It is possible to use the Document Management System (DMS) interface on a workstation equipped with SoftPC, emulating an MS-DOS window. However, this configuration may operate very slowly, since you will be subject to FTP as well as network traffic delays. Using DMS on a PC is the preferred method of access. ________________________________________________________________________ STARTING -------- Let's assume that you are going to designate this particular network drive as "R:>" on your PC. (Be sure that you are not already using "R:>" for something else.) 1. From MS-DOS, type the following command (the example assumes you are at your "C:>" prompt): C:>net use r: \\hpcuppb\field 2. (NOTE: There is no password required for this net use command) 3. The system should respond with the message "Command completed successfully." If you get any other message, check with your networking specialist to see what went wrong. (One possible reason for error is that you have not designated "LASTDRIVE=Z" in your PC system configuration. It is highly recommended that you exit Windows, NewWave, or any other shell you may be using before you proceed further in logging on to CSO Power Tools. 4. Let's assume that you have designated your networking drive as "R." Within MS-DOS, change to that drive. C:>r: R:> 5. Type the command "start", then press the key. R:>start 7. The system will reply "Now connecting you to Power Tool." After a few seconds, you will now see the welcome screen for "Document Management System." A "DMS Main Message" screen gives you any important messages, such as new content or update information. Use the cursor keys to view this message. When you have finished, press or ("Continue Program") to continue. 8. You will be in the Power Tools main menu. ________________________________________________________________________ ENDING ------ It is recommended that you disconnect from the CSO Power Tools Internet Server when you are not using it, because there are a limited number of access ports available for all users. Simply exiting from Power Tools by pressing will not disconnect you from the server. From within MS-DOS, type the following command from any drive other than the Power Tools drive letter: C:>net use r: /d (If your Power Tools drive is another letter besides "R:", use that letter instead.) The system should respond with the message "Command completed successfully." Turning off your PC will accomplish the same thing as typing the above "net use" command. To re-connect to Power Tools, simply type a full "net use" command as explained at the beginning of these instructions. ________________________________________________________________________ Full instructions for using the DMS user interface and navigating through Power Tools are available by pressing ("Help") from any Power Tools menu. For additional help, call telnet/408-447-5145 or send an HP Desk message to Power TOOLS/HP6650/AF. (End of instructions)